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I was bullied in middle and high school and was always disappointed with anti-bullying campaigns. They were tone deaf and implied that bullies were some nebulous evil force when that isn't true at all. My harassers weren't evil. They were people capable of change who never worked on themselves. I am not sure if they were even fully aware of the harm they caused me. I decided to make Powderpuff to encourage young people to reflect on themselves and identify their flaws in order to grow as people. 


The series explores five toxic qualities each with a pair of characters to embody its expressions.These characters are members of Piddleton Middle's football and cheer teams respectively. The spirits of Good and Evil choose these teams as their mortal champions. These spirits possess middle school mascot suits. The spirits try to turn the football and cheerleading teams into champions of good and evil, however, they only succeed in perpetuating conflict between the characters. Over the course of this conflict, the characters realize the faults in their behavior. They then blame those faults on the spirits of Good and Evil rather than looking inwards. At the end of the series, the characters return to normal and continue to act poorly. This acts as a cautionary tale and tells young people that change can only come from within.

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